SAS Analytics Online Training Course Content

SAS 9.2         
10+year’s Exp                   
Course Duration: 30-40 hours             

Course Contents


            Chapter 1   what is SAS?                                             (1Hr)

    1. Introduction  
    2. Getting Data into SAS
    3. SAS Datasets and Data types
    4. SAS Display Manager
    5. SAS Statements
    6. Sample SAS Program
  1. 2.2       Reading Raw Data from External Files

                        2.3       Reading Data values separated by blanks
                        2.4       Reading Data values separated by commas
                        2.5       Reading Data values separated by Delimiters
                        2.6       INFILE Options for reading Internal and External data
                        2.7       Reading Raw Data using List Input
                        2.8       Reading Raw Data using Column Input
                        2.9       Reading Raw Data using Formatted Input

  1. Chapter 3   Creating Permanent SAS Datasets           (1 Hr)

                   3.1       Introduction
                        3.2       SASLibraries-LIBNAME Statement
                        3.3       Viewing Descriptor Portion using PROC CONTENTS
                        3.4       Listing all SAS Datasets Using PROC CONTENTS
                        3.5       Viewing the Descriptor Portion of SAS Dataset using Explorer
                        3.6       Viewing the Data Portion of SAS Dataset using PROC PRINT

  1. Chapter 4   Performing conditional Processing           (3 Hrs)

                   4.1       Set Statement and its options
                        4.2       SAS List of Operators
                        4.3       IF AND ELSE IF Statements
                        4.4       WHERE Statement
                        4.5       GOTO and PUT Statements
Chapter 5   Performing Iterative Processing: Looping                   (1 Hr)
                      5.1       Do Groups
                        5.2       SUM Statement
                        5.3       Iterative DO Loop
                        5.4       DO WHILE and DO UNTIL Statements
                        5.5       LEAVE and CONTINUE STATEMENTS
Chapter 6   Working with Functions                                     (3 Hrs)
                   6.1       Arithmetic Functions
                        6.2       Statistical Functions
                        6.3       Truncation Functions
                        6.4       Character Functions
                        6.5       Date and Time Functions


Chapter 7   SAS Procedures                               (2 Hrs)
                   7.1       Proc Sort
                        7.2       Proc Print
                        7.3       Proc Contents
                        7.4       Proc Append
                        7.5       Proc Plot
7.6       Proc Chart
                        7.7       Proc Format
                        7.8       Proc Import and Export
                        7.9       Proc Freq
                        7.10     Proc Delete
                        7.11     Proc Summary
                        7.12     Proc Means
                      ADVANCED SAS
Chapter 8   SQL Concepts                                  (1 Hr)
                   8.1       Introduction
                        8.2       History and Features
                        8.3       SQL command set
                        8.4       SQL Operators
                        8.5       Demonstrating an ORDER Clause
                        8.6       Data Manipulating Techniques
                        8.7       Sub Queries
                        8.8       Views and Joins
Chapter 9   SAS Structure Query Language (SAS/SQL)   (3 Hrs)
                        9.1       Introduction to SAS/SQL
                        9.2       SAS/SQL Data types and Keywords
                        9.3       SAS/SQL Operators and Functions
                        9.4       Predicates and Formatting Output
                        9.5       Demonstration of Clauses
                        9.6       Case Expression and Conditional Logic
                        9.7       Creating a Table
                        9.8       DML Techniques on Tables
                        9.9       Views and Joins
Chapter 10 SAS Output Delivery System (SAS/ODS)                   (1Hr)
                   10.1     Introduction
                        10.2     Sending SAS Output to a HTML File
                        10.3     Sending SAS Output to a PDF File
                        10.4     Sending SAS Output to a RTF File
                        10.5     Sending Output to a SAS Dataset
Chapter 11 SAS/ACCESS                                            (3 Hrs)       
                   11.1     Introduction
                        11.2     Importing Data from Oracle and MS Excel
                        11.3     Working with MS-Access
                        11.4     PROC DBLOAD Procedures
                        11.5     Creating an Excel Spreadsheet from SAS Dataset

Chapter 12 Generating High Quality Graphics (SAS/Graphs) (4 Hrs)
                   12.1     Introduction
                        12.2     Some Basic Concepts
                        12.3     Producing Simple Bar charts using PROC GCHART
                        12.4     Creating Pie Charts
                        12.5     Donut and G3D Charts
                        12.6     GPLOT Procedure
                        12.7     Adding Title and Footnotes
                        12.8     Producing Scatter Plots
                        12.9     Connecting Points a Smooth line
                        12.10   Go options
Chapter 13 SAS/REPORTS                               (6 Hrs)
                      13.1     Introduction
                        13.2     Frequency Reports
                        13.3     One-way Frequency Report
                        13.4     Cross Tabular Frequency Report
                        13.5     Creating a List Report
                        13.6     Define Statement
                        13.7     Order Usage and Groups
                        13.8     Printing Grand Totals
                        13.9     R break statement and Tabulate Procedure
                        13.10   One Dimensional and Two Dimensional Tables
                        13.11   Analysis Variables with Options
                        13.12   Summary Statistics


Chapter 14 SAS/MACROS                                (2 Hrs)
                   14.1     Introduction
                        14.2     Macro Variables: what are they?
                        14.3     Creating and using Macro Variables
                        14.4     Assigning values to Macro variables with %LET Statement
                        14.5     Invoking a Macro
                        14.6     Adding parameters to a Macro
                        14.7     Macros with Conditional logic
                        14.8     Macro Functions
                        14.9     Including External Macros
Chapter 15 SAS/STATISTICS                           (1 Hr)
                   15.1     PROC Univariate
                        15.2     PROC Regression
                        15.3     PROC Correlation
                        15.4     PROC Anova