AB-INITIO Online Training Course Content


1. Introduction to Abinitio

2. Abinitio Architecture

3. Graph Programming

4. Introduction to .dat and .dml files

5. Partition Components
    a. Braod Cast
    b. Partition by Expression
    c. partition by range
    d. partition by community
    e. partition by percentage
    f. partition by Round Robin

6. Departition Components

    a. Concatenate
    b. Gather
    c. Interleave
    d. Merge

7. MultifileSystem(MFS)

8. Types of parallelism

9. Layouts

10. Sort Components

    a. Sort
    b. Sort with in groups
    c. Sample
    d. Partition by key and sort

11. Transform Components

    a. Filter by expression
    b. Aggregate
    c. Scan 
    d. Rollup
    e. Denormalize Sorted
    f. Normalize
    g. Reformat
    h. Match sorted
    i. Dedup sorted

12. Working with Databases

13. Database components

    a. Run SQL
    b. Input Table
    c. Output Table
    d. Truncate Table
    e. Update table

14. Phase and check Points

15. Miscellaneous component

    a. Gather logs
    b. Run program
    c. Redefine format
    d. Trash
    e. Replicate

16. Dataset Components

a. Input File
b. Output File
c. Lookup File
d. Intermediate File

17. FTP Components

a. FTP From
b. FTP To

18. Compress Components

a. Compress
b. Uncompress
c. Gzip
d. Gunzip

19. Validate Component

    a. Check Order
    b. Generate Records
    c. Generate Random bytes
    d. Compare Records
    e. Compute Check Sum
    f. Compare Check Sum

20. Translate components

    a. Record XML
    b. Write XML

21. Project and Sandbox

22. Performance Tuning